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Royal British Columbia Museum | Royal Ontario Museum | Museum of Civilization | Glen Bow Museum

Considered one of the best museums in Canada, the museum of civilizations displays almost all aspects and eras of life in Canada and selective themes from around the world.

Canada hall has exhibits and displays which represents 1000 years of social history in the country beginning with the arrival of the Vikings in Newfoundland. It then presents slices of life from the first settlements in Acadia, New France, life in the fur trade, on the prairies as a buffalo hunter and in Upper Canada as an early pioneer. It continues with portrayals of life for Canadians as they spread across the country in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and the north. It examines different ethnic groups such as the Chinese and the Ukrainians and their early life in the country. Am 1885 to present addition to this hall is currently under development.

The first nations hall is a diverse representation of many of the cultures of the aboriginal people of Canada. Although it is not intended as a complete reference to the native peoples in the country it does delve into various topics and issues germane to the life of these Canadians.

The grand hall, the personalities hall and the comprehensive stamp and postal collection also offer many items of interest to many visitors to the museum.

Located in Hull Quebec, across the Ottawa River from Ottawa, the Museum of Civilization is an important highlight for anyone's visit Canada's capital.

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